The digital design files, downloaded within zip. folder, is property of PAPERFAIRY.RS and PAPERFAIRY.RS Reserves All Rights to the design.
Personal Use License – Terms of Use
This digital content includes a personal license that allows for unlimited personal use of the files obtained.
By downloading this digital content, you understand and agree to the following:
- This digital content is royalty free for all personal use and /or as gift.
- This digital file may not be shared,duplicates,copied,reselling or redistributed in any format under any circumstances in any digital format.
- The distribution of projects created using this digital file for financial gain or profit is not permitted without a commercial license.
- Upon downloading this digital file, the user accepts all liability and sole responsibility for the digital file and any accompanying files therein.
- Sharing of files of any kind in groups on social media is prohibited, even if file is a free download! Please redirect them to the product link on PAPERFAIRY.RS! Helps us keep track of how many people are actually using our product, which allows us to create more product of its liking, in return help our fellow crafters enjoy more designs we have created.Thank you for your understanding.
Paper Fairy is not responsible or liable for any damages, losses, or other consequences incurred as a result of downloading this digital file.
DO NOT use file unless you downloaded it directly from PAPERFAIRY.RS
Selling the flower designs is allowed only under an Seller’s license agreement.
You will need to purchase this from Paper Fairy prior to selling any flowers.
You may not:
1.Resseling the templates as your own.All copyrights remain with Paper Fairy
2.Claiming template designs,videos,or design metods as your own.
3.Reselling any other shop creations by Paper Fairy such as photo props,party décor,stock photos and SVG cut files is not included in this licence.
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